Sexy Super Woman
I was daydreaming about superpowers the other day… or more precisely, the superpower I’d want the most. My hands down first pick would of course be flying, and I think most people would appreciate that ability.
But, my second choice may surprise you. No, it’s not time travel, web slinging, or mutton busting. I woudn’t want anything too powerful, like LOTR’s “one ring to rule them all”. I’d be in risk of going all Galadriel over the potential power and yelling out all shall love me and despair and no one wants that. No, if it were up to me, it would be to have the power of Wonder Woman’s golden lasso. When Queen Hippolyte gave it to Wonder Woman she said, “This is the Golden Lasso. Besides being made from an indestructible material, it also carries with it the power to compel people to tell the truth. Use it well, and with compassion.”
I can think of a few million uses for that superpower! I’d be able to get answers to all of my burning questions, like, “Hey Jimmy Kimmel! Who ate all of the Halloween candy?!” or, “Who approved the ‘Honey Boo Boo’ television program?” Yes, it really would be a pretty fantastic power to have. Since we’re talking about super powers, I’ve noticed a trend that I am fond of, namely the offerings in women’s Halloween section aren’t just bar wench and French maid anymore.
Saving humanity (well, at least for Halloween) just got a little sexier, and an additional boost of female power because this year’s line up of women’s superhero costumes is something to take to the streets about. I’ve kind of looked down my nose at superhero costumes on occasion, I’ll admit it. (Sorry about that every actor and kid who wore the Robin outfit.)
There’s Harley Quinn, Hit Girl, Super Woman, Wonder Woman, She-Ra, Cat Woman, Spider-Girl, and several dozen more warriors, crime fighters, and assorted other bad-guy catcher getup’s.
These costumes can be toned down for conservative events, vamped up for a girl’s night out, or used to get you the first place prize at the costume contest. Ladies, as girl power gets recognized, the costumes behind the trend will get you recognized, too.
Harley Quinn
There’s something to be said for running around pretending to be a little more powerful than you are, I think. For you moms out there, it’s good for your daughters to see you as strong and powerful, and its good for them to view themselves that way, too. So, keep that in mind when shopping around during Halloween. As far as I’m concerned the only costume missing from the women superhero line up is Fried Green Tomatoes’ Mrs. Threadgood and Evelyn.