So, how do you get a costume around this? Photo via blog.sfgate.com
I know so many women who absolutely thrive on dressing up for Halloween, but some of them really struggle if the Halloween holiday falls during a pregnancy. It’s true, finding a maternity costume can really be difficult… you feel fat, you don’t want to look silly, and no one really likes that whole “pregnant nun” costume your hilarious husband thinks you should wear.
I know plenty of women who love Halloween, love dressing up, but when it comes to being preggo during the holiday, they are at a loss. Who can blame them? Trying to find a costume that is flattering and comfortable can be very tricky. Thankfully, all of those creative costume folks have listened to what the mommy bloggers have to say, and they have responded by coming up with lots of great ideas.
If you are a lil’ momma-to-be, don’t sit it out this Halloween because you didn’t find a costume! If you read on the internet much, I bet you’ve guessed by now that I have some TIPS for you! (I don’t know why that is, but every blogger with access to a keypad has to write at least 30 obligatory posts on their top 10 tips! Haha.) Nonetheless, if you are in need of a pregnant belly Halloween idea, I’ve got some ideas for you.
Grin & Bare It
If you are comfortable in your own skin, and don’t mind a little body paint, there are no limits to what you can create with a pregnant bod. Fish bowls, Jack-o-lanterns, cookie jars, and football helmets are just a few of the ideas you can draw from if you want to turn your bulging belly into a Halloween work of art.
Let Your Inner Demon Take Over
Inner demon? You see what I did there? No, your baby-to-be may not be naughty yet, but I assure you, the day will come when you wonder what possessed your sweet little bundle. Halloween is a great time to celebrate the spirit of the wicked kid in all of us. And, besides that, we both know you’re gonna have a hard time staying away from the trick-or-treat candy, so why not go as your favorite Halloween evil-doer? Witches, devils and vampires (You can thank Bella Swan for that) are easy to adapt to a mommy body.
Take Advantage of That Pregnant Glow
Conversely, if the thought of bringing new life into the world has you a bit sentimental, maybe you’ll want to stick to a more ethereal costume… angels, fairies…pretty much any of the women-wearing-glitter costumes would be suitable.
The best part is that if you go with a costume that has some kind of hand-held accessory, say a wand, pitchfork or broom, these can double as a hand-smacking weapon should any of the holiday crazies want to go in for an unwanted pregnant lady belly-rub. Hiiii-yaaaa!
But what if you are close to your due date and don’t want to hassle with a full night of wearing heels or itchy fabric? No worries! If you just aren’t up to going all-out, you can do some really incredible Halloween make-up and hair, and wear a clever Halloween t-shirt in lieu of a full costume.
The idea is to have a great time on Halloween, even if that means you lie back with your feet up, and much on Halloween goodies.
Emma Rae Curtis is a costume/dressing up/makeup & accessories expert. She mainly writes about Halloween but also about all things costume and dress-up related.